Thursday, October 8, 2009

When it rains, it pours...

Many of you are familiar with the expression: "When it rains, it pours" but chances are, you don't take it literally... For example, nothing to interesting is happening in your life, then all of a sudden, you wife leaves you, you get fired, and find out you have a warrant out for your arrest because you forgot to pay a few speeding tickets... Well, in Brazil, I'm not sure they have this expression BUT, when it rains it freaking pours!!! 

This is a picture that I took from the balcony of my house of the road in the front... As you can plainly see, the city is quite flooded... At first I was quite surprised that this was actually quite an ordinary thing for it to rain this much, I was sitting at my computer when one of my room mates told me to come check it out. They later informed me that they weren't going to there classes on this accord. Today it happened for a second time, except I was at school at the time so of course, I walked home and started uploading pics of it... quite beautiful and tons of fun! Word of advise: best clothing to wear in these conditions, in my opinion, is sandals, shorts, and a jacket... The first time it rained this much, I did not wear this, and well, started wishing I had, couldn't wear my shoes for a week and my pants reeked! Today was much better... You can find the rest of the pictures that I took on my website: Adventures in Brazil.

1 comment:

  1. En France on mettrai un "Kawe"! (a plastic wrap over your head) That should take care of business!
